''Titus'' is an American dark comedy sitcom that debuted on Fox in 2000. The series was created by its star, Christopher Titus, Jack Kenny, and Brian Hargrove. The sitcom is based on Christopher's stand-up comedy act, more specifically his one-man show ''Norman Rockwell is Bleeding'' (which itself would be broadcast on television in 2004), which was based loosely upon his real-life family; lines from ''Norman Rockwell is Bleeding'' were spoken by Titus as commentary (see below). Titus plays an outwardly childish adult (based on himself), who owns a custom car shop. The show follows him and his dimwitted half-brother Dave, his girlfriend Erin with the "heart of gold", his goody-goody friend Tommy, and his arrogantly lewd, bigoted, heavy smoking & drinking, womanizing and multiply-divorced father Ken "Papa" Titus. ==Series description== The series first aired as a limited-run mid-season replacement in March 2000 and it received rave reviews. It ran for 54 episodes over three seasons before its cancellation in 2002. The characters are essentially a dysfunctional family and, unusual for a network sitcom, often deal with dark subject matters including death, attempted and committed suicide, rape, child molestation, mental illness, road rage, violence, drug abuse, domestic abuse, alcoholism, and terrorism — especially in the third season, which was to be the last, partly due to the controversial nature of the show. One episode, "Tommy's Not Gay", deals with the issue that Tommy — who uses stereotypically gay mannerisms but is not actually gay — lashes out at his homosexual father, Perry, for lying to his mother about his sexuality. However, Tommy later defends his dad against others' homophobia when Perry is beaten up by Titus's friends. The episode makes reference to the real-life killing of Matthew Shepard in Laramie, Wyoming. The format of the show begins with Christopher turning on a dangling lightbulb hanging from the ceiling in a black-and-white "neutral space", often breaking the "fourth wall". A crude wooden chair accompanies Christopher and is sometimes utilized as a prop. He performs a short monologue, then the traditional sitcom story begins. During the episode, segments are intercut to this "neutral space", where he narrates or comments on what is happening. There are also frequent flashbacks or dream/imaginary sequences to relevant events. However, almost all episodes took place in only one location. At the end of the episode, Christopher performs a closing monologue, using or rewording the opening, then turns the light off; he occasionally employs other methods, including smashing the bulb or turning it off with a remote. Occasionally, an alter-ego type character of Titus appears with him and gets randomly abused. These altered versions of Titus include "Nerd" Titus, and Titus as a five-, ten-, or seventeen-year-old. The show, unusual for a sitcom, uses serious points as act breaks at times during episodes. These include Christopher admitting to getting beaten by ex-girlfriend Noelle (and reading a note from her in which she promises never to hurt him again if Titus would be hers forever), admitting that he loves his mother, a violent, manic-depressive paranoid-schizophrenic; and explaining how Matthew Shepard was murdered because of his sexual orientation. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Titus (TV series)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク